Embracing Grace and Fun at 50: Katrina's Perspective on a Photoshoot with Depiction Portraits by Diana

In a candid conversation with Katrina, a vibrant individual in her 50s, she shared insightful reflections on aging, self-acceptance, and the joy of embracing imperfections. Inspired by a unique photoshoot opportunity for those over 40, Katrina's journey unfolds with a refreshing perspective.


Glamorous photoshoot experience with depiction portraits

Feeling 21 at 50

Katrina's revelation about forgetting her age most days and feeling akin to a 21-year-old sets the tone for her outlook on life. At 50, she has discovered the beauty of giving herself more grace and accepting imperfections. The pursuit of perfection that once drove her to the brink has been replaced with a newfound sense of fun and enjoyment.


“I often forget that I'm 50. I still feel like I'm 21. What has changed? Giving myself more grace than I did in my younger years. Simply being more accepting of myself. We all constantly strive for perfection, driving ourselves crazy. However, since turning 50, I've come to realize, why am I always chasing perfection when I can just enjoy myself now” - Katrina


Picture-Perfect at 40 and Beyond

The decision to participate in the photoshoot arose when Katrina, initially seeking professional headshots, stumbled upon Donna's captivating images on LinkedIn. The idea of a session specifically tailored for individuals over 40 intrigued her, and she eagerly signed up for what she anticipated would be a delightful experience.


“I was looking for professional headshots when I noticed that Donna had hers posted on LinkedIn. I thought, 'Why not? Let me go ahead and get it done.' When I called her, she informed me about the session for those over 40, and I thought, 'That sounds like a lot of fun.' So, here we are.”- Katrina

Katrina's Joyful Photoshoot Experience

Despite minimal preparation leading up to the shoot, Katrina expresses contentment with the outcome. She commends the photographer, Diana, for orchestrating a seamless session, even without extensive pre-shoot preparations.

“I felt fine. Yeah, I felt fine. I was probably very behind on prepping. Even though I didn't spend weeks and weeks, like, looking over the mood board and all that stuff, I feel like it all came together, and you did a great job.”- Katrina


Facing the Camera: Katrina's Feelings during the Relaxed Photoshoot

During the photoshoot itself, Katrina admits to feeling a mix of emotions. The spotlight and posing directions presented a somewhat unfamiliar experience, but Diana's skillful guidance and comfortable atmosphere made it an enjoyable journey.


"I felt great. It's a bit weird, having all the attention on you, posing this way and going that way. However, you made it enjoyable, you made it more comfortable, so it felt great.”- Katrina



Katrina's story serves as a testament to the liberating power of self-acceptance and the joy that can be found in embracing one's age. As she navigates the unique stage of life that is her 50s, Katrina's journey is a reminder that beauty and fulfillment can be discovered at any age, and sometimes, the most memorable moments arise when we let go of the pursuit of perfection and simply have fun.

Explore your own unique photoshoot experience with Depiction Portraits by Diana, a professional photography studio in Smithsburg, Maryland, celebrating age with the 40 Over 40 sessions. Capture your essence with business headshots and personalized portrait sessions - because every moment is worth cherishing.

All the best,



Valerie's Inspiring Journey: Embracing Myself After 40 through photography session


Lavina at Sixty One: A Fun Photoshoot Experience at Depiction Portraits in Smithsburg Studio